It doesn't matter if you have us build your website, if you build it yourself, or have someone else develop it. We can host your website on a variety of platforms like Windows or Linux Servers. Let us worry about upgrading hardware and network as your site grows. We can host your basic HTML sites, offer CGI capabilities, or support database driven sites for virtually any brand of database you want. PHP, ASP, Java, JavaScript, Perl, FrontPage extensions? We have expertise team in all. You give it to us, and we'll make sure it stays online. You can maintain and update the site yourself, or have our knowledgeable team do it for you.
Want your own domain name? How does sound? Give yourself a better image in the market place. Your users may think you have a large enough operation to host your domain on your own computers, but there's no need for that kind of investment of time or money. Your domain will reside on one of your machine, completely transparent to the user, with considerable savings for you.